Curriculum, technology, and repertoire - Oh My!

Curriculum, technology, and repertoire - Oh My!

Last week I was able to attend the Colloquium for Teachers of Instrumental Music Methods (IMTE) in Mohican State Park in Ohio. This was my second time attending this colloquium and it's truly one of my favorite "conferences." It's a great group of people who are ready and willing to share and debate ideas and work together to grow and advance our field. And it all takes place in a gorgeous state park, while wearing jeans and t-shirts, and the work is broken up with chunks of free time. It's fantastic! Not to mention that my family came along on this adventure, as you can see in the attached picture, which made it even better. So I thought I would share a few comments/topics that sparked my interest this year. These have continued to rattle around in my brain and probably will for quite some time. 

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